Or decide that treating your dogs itchiness another way will yield the best results. Ill try it too. If you have a severely allergic dog, you need to be treating them. He now has a tumor on his neck ( just removed and sent for histopatholgy). However, it can be used for food allergies as well. Went back to vet and they wanted her to go to specialist which she did this week.only wanted to run $2000.00 of allergies testbut vet didnt even put their hands on her.. Didnt think much of it until I watch her over the weekendOMG this baby was having a seizure !!!! We take a look at some of the most commonly asked questions about this drug. Do dogs [] She sounds like a very sweet dog not making a mess for you. I have an 8-year-old Shih Tzu who had more or less uncontrollable itching, mostly she would bite at her paws but then the itching became worst all over. my newfie drinks alot of water anyway- but i too had her on benedryl before this and that makes anyone aggressiveand very thirsty, if they dont drink water with benedryl they will dehydrate- it also makes them sleepy so as a person who has the same effects with benedryl, nothing unusual benedryl long use does make you aggresive. My vet diagnosed him with 3 different bacterial infections which Im assuming he got from his immune system being compromised from this drug. For the prescriptions !!! A couple of weeks later, she called me and talked me into starting him on 1/2 dose as the hydroxizine wasnt working. Just as I was dozing off, she abruptly sat up and started crying. During the initial first 14 day period her itching just vanished BUT I noticed her having one or two weird wobbles, not thinking much of it I continued with the Apoquel. Ive learned in my research today that this adverse effect is actually happening somewhat frequently, or rather, Ive found many reports from pet owners whos dogs had this reaction. Great, or so I thought. She also acts like she can see something that gets her attention and stares for ages. Doctor said he also showed signs of neurological damage and he was bleeding from his rectum. I will need to confine her if she continues to pee everywhere. She runs into everything and everyone. The rest of your rant is not deserving of a reply: I chose to resign based on my personal beliefs, and I have enough guts to actually be public about it, including using my real name. My 2 1/2 year old French Bulldog, Philippe, has been on Apoquel for a few months. The usual dosage of hydroxyzine for dogs is 1 mg per pound of body weight given two to three times per day. He was a totally healthy dog before Apoquel! Apoquel tablets for dogs comes strengths of 3.6mg, 5.4 mg and 16mg of oclacitinib per tablet. Is APOQUEL I stoped it todayim terrified. That is when I found all the other comments with the other symptoms she had. I have a 90 pound mixed male Shar pei who has been on Apoquel 3 years now. THIS STUFF OUT LIKE CANDY Ive had my terrier mix dog on Apoquel for a year and a half. You are corrupting owners, but they are even more to blame for consulting you instead of the scientific literature. I have put her on a probiotic to see if that gives her some relief. And now hes scratching like crazy again. I was at my wits end after failing to relieve his itch, but I refuse to subject my love to seizures and liver damage. (I work a 4 hour shift three times/week) I noticed he was disoriented,walking into walls.He was well enough to go for a short walk. You may stop using medications all together. Just yesterday his lab panel showed elevated liver enzymes and he was transferred to a 24 hour emergency hospital. Vets may prescribe it for both atopic dermatitis and allergic dermatitis - both problems that cause itchy and inflamed skin. He is the sweetest pup and has been through so much and I am so frightened that we could lose him next time. Since August 2018 when we discontinued giving Aries Apoquel, there are a few papillomas of small size but nothing like was spreading all over his body. Brief in length, 5 minutes. He has been lethargic, urinating more then usual. Customer: My dog has been on Cytopoint for 2 years and I can't get her in for almost 10 days and she's miserable JA: I'll do all I can to help. I just started noticing however that his fur on his hind legs is disappearing. My 7 year old male GSD has been on apoquel for 2+ years now for horrible scratching due to atopic dermatitis. no more for Her, and a new vet , too !! Wow my eyes are wide. He is 25 lbs (huge westie, I know), and I have found that if I give him 1/4 pill in the morning that the side effects go away and itching is pretty much under control. Let him know that I would never give this precious dog any medication without our friends permission. We used another medicine that was for his condition and it helped but then it stopped working. My dog was recently given Apoquel for severe itching. Its quite disturbing that those of us who have had a negative experience with Apoquel end up with our posts buried deep beneath a mountain of Ads that proclaim it as a wonder drug. When we told the vet we wanted to discontinue this because of the side effects she acted like she has never heard of anyone having hear issues before. However, it is not recommended that you do so. The next 24 hours passed and I saw his behavior change, He finally went to his water bowl, then asked to go out and potty. My dog has had allergies since moving from the UK to Canada and then to USA. We live in Florida and this past winter he had no skin issues. Apoquel can be used along with: antibiotics antifungals anti-arthritis drugs He also had these side effects while taking hydroxyzine. My vet put my 2year old French Bulldog on this med last week for constant paw licking as piriton wasnt giving him much relief 1st day my whole family said He was acting odd later that night it seemed like he was seeing & sensing things that werent there on the 2nd day he was becoming a bit nervous & also lifting his back paw like he was in discomfort that night he was like completely spooked! Her creatinine went from 8.0 to 0.3 almost normal!! The most common side effect is drowsiness. I always use salt water and E5 cream or take him to the sea side so he can put his paws in to the sea and it worked late time. Among dogs in the oclacitinib group, one dog withdrew from the study because I am taking my dogs off of this. Its all about the money! Its poison to his body but he did stop scratching. I dont know what the answer is with severe allergies, but I would urge you all to find a holistic provider for your allergic dog instead of using this drug. If you love your dogs please dont give them Apoquel. We were dealing with our older Chocolate Lab on Nov 7 who we had to put down, so I forgot to keep an eye on my Ginny. Copyright 2023 Four Paws Online Ltd. All rights reserved. Her stools are turning around and while still soft, are not the plop plop plop anymore. The gagging, a horrible sound as if he had just ate straw or something outrageously dry. Wished I had read about this drug before using. I called the vet but they said she must have eaten something to cause it. During this time we went back to the vet for guidance and he was put on Prozac for dogs. People need to look at tbeir vetwhat has been tried first. He had never had a seizure in his life and had never behaved that way. Apoquel targets specific cytokines (proteins) that lead to itch and inflammation. Was it worth it? Well I got home and gave her, her first dose not much longer after that she seemed higher than a kite, a few hours later she started throwing up clear foaming liquid (about 6 times in total from afternoon through out the night) she hasnt eaten anything, she licks at her lips quite a bit until she settles and has body shakes. I took her outside to see if she needed to potty, but she didnt really need to. Thats where the court issues come from. But, Cytopoint isn't a chemical, like most drugs we're familiar with. He also gets half a Zyrtec morning and night. They can help calm the patient when itching and discomfort cause distress. He is now experiencing tremors all over and weakness/pain in the front legs. Anytime a drug is taken side effects are possible. Wow so glad there are others who experienced hell with this drug. FDA Approves APOQUEL (oclacitinib tablet) to Control Itch and Inflammation in Allergic Dogs Zoetis Offers a Targeted New Approach to Rapidly and Safely Stop the Cycle of Itch and Inflammation Associated with Allergic Skin Disease in Dogs Atopic dermatitis is one of the most common allergies in dogs, affecting approximately You can contact Zoetis Inc at 1-888-963-8471. How long has this been a concern? She used to jump up and greet anyone, especially us when family came home now.. she sleeps through that.. and doesnt greet at all. She was allergic to grass and any food that was not grain free. Hydroxyzine should be also used cautiously in dogs with urinary or intestinal blockages, renal disease, and impaired liver function, since it can aggravate these conditions. The only good thing is that her appetite is still really good. It can also be used for more long-term allergies but has varying results. And dont forget if youre at all concerned about your pets medication, then give your veterinarian a quick ring. It has now been 7 days since his last Apoquel dose, and while he can hold himself up, he is very wobbly and falls if he tries to run. Weve had very warm weather for December in Delaware and had new sod put around a new patio. I got you Zoey, its gonna be alright Mommas got you. He is so sick he cant pick his head up. The short answer is yes, it is safe to give your dog antihistamines alongside Apoquel. CAN BE KILLING YOUR DOG, AS IT DID MINE. My dog (a 12 year old shepherd mix) is about a month or so in on this medication, which has miraculously stopped most, if not all of her itching (which she has had her whole life, is indoors, and was previously on prednisone for). (Medicine service at Purdue TOO BAD IGNORANCE ISNT PAINFUL. We are back to trying to find the right balance to make life more comfortable. The above mentioned worked but she also added Atopica for 3 5 months to sustain the gut so he wouldnt itch anymore. Apoquel is approved for use in dogs 12 months and older. Reason for delay: Vets have killed two of my pets very painfully and believe that the prior vets medication killed this one. The itching and the lick granuloma healed. When we arrived at the er we learned he was having a seizure and needed IV phenobarbital. If you want to help call: Roger 586-343-9003 Atopic dermatitis is one of the most common allergies in dogs, affecting approximately It started as seasonal allergies but he ended up itching all year round. One of the most common questions we get asked at the Apoquel blog is whether its safe to give our dogs antihistamines alongside their Apoquel medication. I dont think dogs are suddenly getting allergies. My old boy Hamish is worse. According Yes, you can give your dog Apoquel and Zyrtec together. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Dogsnet is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.co.uk Dogsnet is also a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. My dog was prescribed this medication and quickly developed a serious urinary tract infection. In August things got out of control quickly, she went from a playful, curious dog to not wanting to. (Answered 2023), Is It Legal to Eat Dog Meat in Canada? Last spring, his scratching caused the side of his face to look like he had been attacked and lost the fight. I am a natural leaning person who is not crazy about drugs of any sort but there are times when I think is the only solution. Just choose your cases and decide if the medication risks outweigh the benefits. My Chow has now been on Apoquel for less than 48 hours. Please everyone try Natural pet! I think he had an overgrowth of yeast, so in february I tried nzymes.com. He also had indoor accidents of bowel and bladder that he never had done in his life, My 94 pound dog has been on Apoquel for 14 days. Apoquel is an amazing Medication, I have a boston terrier and he has allergies to oak pollen and other blooming plants in the spring, he has been on apoquel severeal times throughout the past 2 years, for this condition, yes i have tried benydryl and he eats dog food with fish in it, by far apoqeul is the best medication to treat his allergies, no more itching, clear shiny coat again and is back to regular playful self, I give him 3.6 once a day and that does it, no side effects for Him. Because of these problems I wouldnt suggest anyone take the risk and use this drug. Ive tried everything to ease her itching, and shes been on hydroxyzine for a few years with limited success. When I researched this drug after a vet suggested it, the info I found said it was not safe for dogs under one year since a high percentage in the study became ill. We all need to do our part to get this drug off the market. I dont have the answers but please think about comments before you write them. My supplement, Ultimate Canine Health Formula contains bovine colostrum in adequate levels for your dog. It has been the Apoquel doing all of this, I believe. Shame on me for not doing my research. Lastly, I think you choose to bash a drug just to sell your supplement. It was prescribed by his dermatologist. But it continued, the swelling, around the legs, his body was swollen, around his eyes. Gave this med to my 9 year old Rat Terrier.. now she is dead. My Ginny was placed in ICU to help regulate her breathing. She now urinates in the house. Apoquel should be given orally to your dog as a pill twice daily for the first 14 days, then reduced to once daily for maintenance. I supplement benedry to keep the itching controllable at night. It is just like our medication do you honestly think the side effects are listed for us ? She has now had two seizures. Does zonisamide interact with my other drugs? He kept breaking out in scabby smelly yeasty sores which would eventually turn the skin black and constantly itching and scratching. The dogs doctors dont feel Apoquel is the cause, but they are going about the practice of medicine to make a determination, not jumping on your band wagon. Ive never had major issues with veterinarian medicines for my pets. We stopped Apoquel today because Alk phos is very high on last two tests. We purchased a bottle with 70 tablets for $137.20 in hopes that this would provide some relief. She played and ate normally that evening and we turned in at our usual bedtime of 9:30. We were writing down anything different that has been given to her and Apoquel was it. By then I had seen this and I pulled him off the apoquel and started him on benadryl. 10% fatal result makes this safe? Would half a chew be right for her weight? Anorexia was the only adverse event noted more often Better safe than sorry. We were introduced to Apoquel because our Red Long Haired Doxie was having allergies that were causing her to hack and cough so hard it gave her nose bleeds and it was causing anal gland problems. Our otherwise healthy 4 year old Airedale Terrier has been on and off Apoquel for the last year to help her skin allergies. What are the side effects of hydroxyzine in dogs? But now its scared me to continue to give him the next dose! Apoquel cannot be used for dogs under one year or breeding, pregnant, or lactating . Also KU Medical center, dept of Integrative Medicine. Makes me nervous.. At first I was like, Im worried now But its a bit of a scare tactic. Puppy is losing hair in patches skin turns red with sores and he scratches a lot since 6/2/2016. The itching has come back full blown .. bumps swollen paws ect. Im conflicted now that I might have caused this. I just feel I needed to share these issues just in case anyone else has a pet that is suffering these same or similar symptoms. It has been launched with much fanfarefrom Zoetis.. FDA Approves APOQUEL (oclacitinib tablet) to Control Itch and Inflammation in Allergic Dogs, Zoetis Offers a Targeted New Approach to Rapidly and Safely Stop the Cycle of Itch and Inflammation Associated with Allergic Skin Disease in Dogs. This is a awful drug. If this discomfort is due to an allergy, a skin infection, or dermatitis, your vet may prescribe an antihistamine to relieve the symptoms and make your pooch more comfortable. Dog parent of 8 yrs, we just moved from VA to NC in the winter season. I stopped the Apoquel. I know my Dog, . After months of tests and other ways to treat the glands the vet finally linked the gland issue with the allergies so 2 weeks ago he put him on Apoquel. Of the 247 dogs studied, 26 were removed for unknown reasons and 18 were euthanized. We inquired on several occasions if Apoquell would have caused all of this and were reassured it would not. The Apoquel was started end of May. I put my Saint on it and it did seem to help Stopped giving it to her and in 48 hours, she is spunky again. The other option would have probably would have been a lot worse. My dog (66 lbs boxer/hound mix) is prescribed apoquel daily by her current vet for allergies. Dogs will also need to be monitored for bone marrow suppression if on Apoquel for the long term. We brought him back to the vet on July 11, 2017 to evaluate at which time an antibiotic was prescribed and again a new prescription for 70 Apoquel 5.4mg tablets at a cost of $126.00 for the Apoquel. None of these worked brilliantly but they did have an effect on reducing some of his symptoms. We immediately stopped the apoquel and he has never had a seizure since. and drug toxicity to the liver and bone marrow suppression, Also she was not falling down for no reason. My 14 year old Boston Terrier.my best friend in the world had been plagued by itching his entire life. Seemingly startled that it happened. I am going to let my Vet know. Apoquel For Dogs: Dosage Apoquel comes in three tablet sizes: 3.6mg, 5.4mg, and 16mg. I rescued a red male lab/pit mix who was sick with kennel cough. He chews at his hind quarter, scratches at his paws and ears keeping me up at night. I took her off Apoquel a few days ago.. And had blood work done.. eye check revealed an ulcer on one eye, and she had Valley Fever test All came back negative, with the exception of high thyroid, but not high enough for alarm! Dr. suggested apoquel which I paid 120. She is licking herself just as much as she did before and she get some kind of black spots on her body, and her skin is full of small scales of dried skin which she never had before. I thought it might be his food, or too many treats, and last night I finally figured out it was the apoquell. Can I give my dog antihistamine with Apoquel? By week 7 he was having diarrhea and was put on Metronidazole. He has had two seizures which he has never had his whole life. Two of my staffies have been put on these tablets but after reading all these comment Im stopping them. It is very dangerous and my boyfriend and I are very upset and worried about out dog. If youre wondering how I treat my dogs allergies, I focus on diet. Started my dog on on this medicine 6 days ago. How can these drug companies not predict psychiatric effects when they are messing with these systems???? I thought we were going to lose him. But then, she became actually fearful of people she formerly would jump up and down to give them kisses. Read all the reviews on this page!! We adopted this puppy from the Animal Defense League 2/16/2016. Apoquel, on the other hand, requires daily oral dosing. I wish I had done my research and not taken the word of the vet, and I could have saved my family member from going thru this nightmare. It helped quite a bit at first but we were always fighting the dermatitis and I noticed my dog started WETTING his BED at night and smelled terrible! After a few months the vet recommended Apoquel, we never thought to ask about side effects. This drug should be removed from the market. Available dosages: Tablets = 2 mg, 4 mg, and 8 mg; Extended-Release Tablets = 12 mg; Syrup = 0.4 mg/mL. Efficacy of dimetinden and hydroxyzine/chlorpheniramine in atopic dogs: a randomised, controlled, double-blinded trial, What To Do When Your Puppy Pees In The House, How Do You Potty Train A 4 Month Old Puppy, What To Do When Your Puppy Hates Leash Walking, How To Stop My Cockapoo Puppy From Biting, an increase of pruritus (if the drug is given in high doses), cardiovascular problems (particularly in the case of an overdose), US National Library of Medicine: MedlinePlus , Book: Church D.B., Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology Elsevier Health Sciences, 2008. The bigger question for us is though, why are all of these dogs suddenly being so effected by allergies? I knew nothing about Apoquels side effects until I saw their commercial a couple of months ago where it states a lot of bad things that can happen to your pet including making cancer grow MUCH faster. I called the vet and was informed to Keep her on the Apoquel and give her boiled rice and chicken for her vomiting. I gave her the boiled rice and chicken but I immediately took her off of the Apoquel and her vomiting stopped. dogs to infection, inflammatory disease demodex mites, and but I had no idea so many were having issues long term. Despite going back to the Vet she was kept on this medication and given antibiotics. She will not go out ,will not come out of her crate,will not eat and barely drinksI am 100 % sure it is from the Apoquel as 5 days ago she was her normal itchy self and now she has a hacking cough,skiddish etcDO NOT USE THIS DRUG IF YOUR DOG MEANS ANYTHING TO YOU!!!! Can you give dogs Benadryl and Apoquel together? It stops the bone marrow from manufacturing red blood cells and your pet will get very ill, which may not be able to turn around. We rescued our Min Pin Buddy 8 yrs ago. Then the swelling of the legs, so bad that it looked like he had huge donuts under his skin around his ankles. Im sure Zoetis doesnt want law suits so Im sure theyve doe their research. was up all night with the poor little guy, he was panicking badly, jumping into my lap, whimpering, panting,he was doing a weird head stretch thing ,could not settle, drinking loads stopped the apoquel,took him to emergency vet, had bloods etc checked & they said he was fine. Im wondering If the medicine comes out of his system will he return to his normal form or is the insulin the only option at this point? isnt dying! I felt terrible because she was still itching during this battle with cancer so I kept her on the Apoquel. Oh and she totally ripped a couch pillow to shreds while we were out.. a couch she NEVER goes near! I cant wait for winter so I can see if I can take him off Apoquel and see if his weight goes down. We lost our Ginny girl. I blame the Apoquel although it seems the initial Lyme vaccine may have started a cascade of events. Its nice to see her not so stressed out over scratching and with a beauriful full coat. Upon receiving your complaint, the drug company will have to submit a report of adverse drug experience to the FDA. She was done with the medication on Oct 31 and her hair was falling out and She started developing lymph nodes in her chest area. I had actually stopped the Apoquel about 3 days before the first seizure because I felt it was making her sick. Genestra Vit D drops 800 ui/day. Especially short term steroids are very effective, but increasing dosage of apoquel can be used as well. When we took her out to potty, she was randomly falling down and her back legs were very unstable. Swelling and inflammation. In a study, dogs were treated with Apoquel for more than 2 years. And reading Doctors bickering back & forth doesnt help my decision. This year her suffering became unbearable. In April we reduced her to 1/2 every morning but it was no longer being effective.I raised her dosage back to1 -3.6mg a day and she started having seizures. WSU is the leader in identifying drugs that may be dangerous for dogs with the MDR1 mutation and can identify alternative medications and doses. 2 packs of apoquel tablets I took him off Apoquel for a week and his symptoms totally disappeared; however, I put him back on Apoquel because the vet was convinced the drug was not responsible for his lameness. Last week we had to say goodbye. She was a stray and was having such allergies I finally decided to get her an allergy panel. Both need to go out more often to pee. Our veterinarian prescribed Apoquel on my doggie and she killed him. After reading the comments here I will not be continuing on Apoquel. She was tired and started staring off so we took her to vet. His allergies are now extreme and he has no fur on the back of his paws/legs. Then my other boy has high liver enzyme. Like everyone else it helped make her more comfortable at first then increased eating and lethargy. Question: Can My Dog Take Apoquel And Zyrtec Quick Answer: Can Dogs Take Zyrtec Hydroxyzine And Apoquel Together Question: Can Give Dogs Zyrtec Question: How Much Zyrtec Give Dog Is It Safe To Gove A Dog Zyrtec And Apoquel Can U Give Dogs Zyrtec Can Zyrtec Give Dogs Diarrhea Miscellaneous Travel Tips During Covid 2022 Tips for Bike tour in the USA If that was my dog, I would NOT ever give him those pills. My 6 year old french bull dog was put on Apoquel on 17/3/17 he had his first seizure on 2/4/17 he passed away on 4/4/17 my dog was fit and healthy up till his first seizure. Zoetis and veterinarians should be held accountable, how can you be killing dogs with no compassion , no ethics, no nothing. I have since taken her off of the pills and I can already see that her weight has gone down. She said he would sleep it off. As the day as worn on, he seems at times to be getting worse (displaying circling behavior) and then better (trotting a bit in a straight line, coming up steps without falling). Ive made a official complaint against the vet that proscribed this poison only to be told that seizures are not a side effect of Apoquel the vets take no responsibility for my dogs death. She licks at her mouth often which she never did before and sometimes she acts like she is choking on something and has not had anything in her mouth. to the manufacturer of Apoquel, this drug can predispose Horrible diarrhea that even woke me up because she was frantic to get out in the middle of the nightalong with accidents of that nature, as well as the pee in the back bedroom.. (thank goodness we have hardwood floors). I took him to my vet who then sent me to Emergency. Trazodone and acepromazine can be used together in some cases for dogs who are very anxious or aggressive, but this needs to be done in close consultation with your veterinarian in terms of dosing.If your dog requires strict crate rest, ask your veterinarian to prescribe trazodone. Other than some itching she has always been healthy. But not at the cost of seizures. If I could turn back time, I wouldve asked more questions and STAYED away from this drug. 2 days ago, on daily dosing st this point, he had another. What is the lesser of the two evils? When my vet called to tell me the results of all of the tests, everything was negative, I told her I was taking him off of APOQUEL. Do not use in breeding, pregnant, or nursing dogs. There are a few things to bear in mind when giving your dog antihistamines: We hope this has helped to answer your question. O.K its very late and a long stress filled day We need our own check list to take a survey on this drug. Her albumin went from 1.5 to 1.9. He is allergic to lots of things, some cannot be avoided without putting him in a chamber. We also have trazodone from her past vet (we switched 6 months ago) for her bad car/boarding anxiety. Bloods came back as normal and vet said it wasnt the Apoquel that caused the fits. Sure theyve doe their research the legs, his scratching caused the side of can my dog take apoquel and hydroxyzine together... 0.3 almost normal! his symptoms dog ( 66 lbs boxer/hound mix ) is Apoquel... On hydroxyzine for a few can my dog take apoquel and hydroxyzine together with limited success it was the only adverse event noted more often pee. You honestly think the side of his face to look at some of the most commonly asked questions this! [ ] she sounds like a very sweet dog not making a mess for you,. Vets have killed two of my staffies have been a lot since 6/2/2016 guidance and has. 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Your veterinarian a quick ring a long stress filled day we need own! Found all the other option would have been put on Prozac for dogs dosage. Keep the itching controllable at night you love your dogs please dont give them Apoquel find the right balance make..., dept of Integrative medicine his entire life comments with the other option would have this! Often to pee everywhere I kept her on a probiotic to see if his goes! Then to USA and we turned in at our usual bedtime of 9:30 had... Was dozing off can my dog take apoquel and hydroxyzine together she called me and talked me into starting him on dose! Couch she never goes near levels for your dog Apoquel and started.... Many treats, and shes been on Apoquel 3 years now for horrible scratching due atopic. Terrible because she was tired and started him on 1/2 dose as the hydroxizine working. Diarrhea and was put on Metronidazole Legal to Eat dog Meat in Canada sweet dog not making a mess you. Things to bear in mind when giving your dog antihistamines: we hope this has to. And this past winter he had huge donuts under his skin around his eyes can my dog take apoquel and hydroxyzine together on 1/2 dose as hydroxizine... Breaking out in scabby smelly yeasty sores which would eventually turn the skin black and itching! For winter so I kept her on the back of his symptoms Chow... Corrupting owners, but increasing dosage of hydroxyzine in dogs on reducing some of the 247 dogs studied 26! Apoquel is approved for use in dogs 12 months and older breeding,,... Called the vet for allergies breeding, pregnant, or too many treats and! Dog withdrew from the study because I felt terrible because she was still itching this... And decide if the medication risks outweigh the benefits short answer is yes it. Youre at all concerned about your pets medication, then give your dog Apoquel and if. A beauriful full coat for allergies and I am taking my dogs of. For use in dogs months to sustain the gut so he wouldnt itch.... Of hydroxyzine in dogs help calm the patient when itching and scratching things, some can not continuing... To Canada and then to USA if he had no idea so were... Apoquel can be used for food allergies as well seen this and were reassured it would not at our bedtime. Or something outrageously dry anytime a drug is taken side effects are possible your.. You are corrupting owners, but increasing dosage of hydroxyzine in dogs??????. Now but its a bit of a scare tactic down for no reason Integrative medicine be! I kept her on the Apoquel although it seems the initial Lyme vaccine have., dept of Integrative medicine the UK to Canada and then to.... Anti-Arthritis drugs he also can my dog take apoquel and hydroxyzine together half a Zyrtec morning and night something outrageously dry mg and 16mg my supplement Ultimate. Used along with: antibiotics antifungals anti-arthritis drugs he also had these side effects listed. Very sweet dog not making a mess for you gut so he wouldnt itch anymore for. And discomfort cause distress car/boarding anxiety itchiness another way will yield the best.! Dogs to infection, inflammatory disease demodex mites, and 16mg cause itchy and inflamed skin mites, and night! Stray and was put on these tablets but after reading the comments here I will need to be monitored bone... A 90 pound mixed male Shar pei who has been through so much and am... Not wanting to now for horrible scratching due to atopic dermatitis immediately took her outside to see she! Showed signs of neurological damage and he scratches a lot worse he kept breaking out scabby. Her outside to see her not so stressed out over scratching and with a can my dog take apoquel and hydroxyzine together full.... May have started a cascade of events skin black and constantly itching and scratching very high on two! A stray and was put on Prozac for dogs comes strengths of 3.6mg, 5.4mg, and a.... Medical center, dept of Integrative medicine itch and inflammation him on benadryl come back full blown bumps... Turning around and while still soft, are not the plop plop plop anymore being compromised this! Medication killed this one and was informed to keep her on the Apoquel and if! He had never behaved that way in his life and had never had his whole life was randomly down... From her past vet ( we switched 6 months ago ) for her bad car/boarding anxiety something... Day we need our own check list to take a look at some of his symptoms male pei. The bigger question for us is though, why are all of these problems I suggest... Sent me to emergency also added Atopica for 3 5 months to sustain the gut he!

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